Monday, January 30, 2006

I _rule_

I survived the firedrill of passing my MS certification exam. I have not felt that level of anxiety about _anything_ in I don't know how long. I mean, how bad would it have been if I had failed? It's only just about the easiest exam I could have taken.

Anyway, while that was clearly the low point of my weekend, there were plenty of high points as well to even it all out - a study in contrasts, if you will. There was Tamara's birthday bash on Saturday (Happy B-day! you can never say it too much). There was the car show on Sunday. There was hanging out with friends Sunday evening. Plenty of very worthy distractions to keep it all balanced.

And then there was the rush to the finish line. Driving to McD's Sunday night (Monday really) at one in the morning for coffee in a vain attempt to stay awake a little longer. There was giving up at 2am and succumbing to sleep. There was struggling to wake up at 6am and resume cramming. There was loading a practice test on my laptop and answering practice questions in the car, in the parking lot, outside the testing center, 20 minutes before the test is to begin. And still not sure if I'm going to pass the damn thing. And then the sweet, orgasmic relief of "Your final score is 813. You need 700 to pass. Congratulations". It was almost a religious experience.


Anonymous said...

YAY!! Even though i have no clue what that test is. CONGRATS anyway. Thanks for showing up for the party. I actually updated my LJ! Go me. Congrats again.

Anonymous said...

oh and sorry we missed the car show but I had a real bad hang over. Seems when you get older the hang overs get worse.

Nic said...

Way to go! But McDonald's coffee? Why is DC so lacking in Dunkin Donuts?!

krys said...

You know, I've heard Dunkin Donuts has good coffee... no close ones though - sucks when you have a donut craving at 2 in the morning. It the closest all nighter is out in Fairfax Circle.