Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Challenge status update VIII

You'll forgive me if my mind has been otherwise distracted the last few days.

I'm pleased to say that just about everyone has now submitted at least one entry (krys/miniAnn - what's up?). The lastest updates come from... anna with "Joy", "Strength", and "Hate", caitlin with "Hate", and jkrunning -- Just Keep Running with "Play" and "Work". Kat submits her first entry with "Strength", as does Misty with "Work". Closing things out is Raine, bending the rules a bit with a double entry for "War & Hate"

...and endings

I started this blog nearly seven months ago ("In search of a topic") as a place to publicly work through the end of my marriage in an examined and grounded way.

Today, the journey is over. The divorce is final.

How do you quantify a failed marriage? Acknowledging that it was doomed from the start does not make it any easier. How do you say goodbye to someone that you once envisoned having children with? How do you allow someone to just fade away? It's hard to relegate something that was once so tangible, with such potential and promise, to a mere memory.

Thank you K., for living up to your promise of conducting yourself in an adult and compassionate way. I can't think of any better parting gift. I only hope that I've been able to conduct myself in the same way. I truely hope that you're able to find happiness in whatever form that takes.

Today, the journey is over. But life goes on. A new journey awaits, just around the corner.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


My good friends Andrew and Tamara tied the knot last night in a wonderfully low key and intimate wedding - I'm truely happy for both of them and wish them all the best as they start their new life together. I think one of the reasons that I had such a good time was that the guests were comprised mainly of friends, both new and old - so my hat goes off and a heart felt thank you to Andrew and Tamara for throwing such a wonderful party.

Challenge status update VII

Good morning everyone! Anyone have a hangover from last night? :) I'm pleased to announce that Misty has decided to join us in the hunt, and that we have a bulk of entries since the last update: First, I neglected to include jkrunning -- Just Keep Running's entry for "Love" in the last update - sorry!

On to the new entries - jkrunning -- Just Keep Running has added "Peace", Nic has added "Strength", "Play", "Joy", "Peace", "Movement", and "Stillness", and Tomorrowsangel has added "Joy" and "Weakness".

For those keeping count, we now have 11 participants, and are two weeks away from the deadline of March 11th! Keep up the good work!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Challenge status update VI

You folks are picking up steam! Very exciting. Latest entries are from anna - "War", caitlin - "War", and jkrunning - Just Keep Running - "War". Tomorrowsangel, on the other hand, has taken a different course with "Love", which is good, since she's getting married tomorrow (!).

All the rest of you slackers better get moving! :)

Happy Birthday Nic!

Only 26? Young at heart I suppose :) Birthdays for Yay!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Challenge status update V

A number worthy entries today - First we have Caitlin kicking things off with "Love", followed by Tomorrowsangel with "Hate", and finally, llamawrangler reapears with a heafty six entries: "Work", "War", "Joy","Play", "Strength", and "Hate". This makes llamawrangler the first to cross the halfway point. Time to get to work!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Happy Birthday Amy!

Another year older, are you another year wiser? Yay for birthdays!

Challenge status update IV

Happy Tuesday to everyone. Caitlin from Confessions of a Geeky Mama has signed on to the challenge, and is kicking things off with a touching entry for "Weakness". jkrunning -- Just Keep Running has added an entry for "Stillness", as has Tomorrowsangel - "Stillness". The rest of us (myself included) have some catching up to do! I'd imagine that between last Saturday's festivities and this Friday's activities, most of the rest of us should be able to get at least _one_ entry to our name... :)

BTW - it's not too late to join in! We have 10 contestants so far, with a goal of at least 12.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Challenge status update III

Let's all welcome Anna and Kat to the contest, and take a look at jkrunning--Just Keep Running's latest entry for "Joy", and Tomorrowsangel's entry for "Strength", which is a combination of pictures and prose.

We're at 9 contestants - surely there are at least 3 more of you out there, just itching to get in on this?

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Challenge status update II

Hello everyone! We have two entries already! jkrunning--Just Keep Running submitted an entry for "Movement", and llamawrangler has submitted "Love".

So, here's the plan. I've added a side bar (look right) to keep track of everyone's progress. (Peer pressure anyone?) Feel free to post your entries as you have them to your journal/blog/site/wherever. I'll monitor your sites and add links as I see them - or alternatively you can let me know when you've posted a new entry and I'll update the list.

Once my camera returns this weekend (lent it out - DOH!), I'll post a picture of the grand prize that we'll all competing for.

I'm still hoping for at least 4 more people to join in on the fun, so tell everyone you know!

Challenge status update I

Excellent - we have seven (7!) contenders for the title so far. I want 12, an even dozen, so I can say:

onetwothreefour, fivesixseven.... (stumbles over the open void)

ach, can't do it with only 7 people. I know there are at least five more of you out there! Time's a wasting!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


So, perhaps I have not, in the past, fully appreciated how much V-day sucks for the single person. Make me happy by saying you'll be competing in the challenge!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

An open challenge to you, my reader!

So, I know you occasionally (or religiously) pass through here, looking for, who knows what.

What if you were out there looking for, you know what?

I'm issuing an open challenge to anyone and everyone. Who knows, this could be fun! Think of this as a scavenger hunt. This will probably be easiest if you already have a livejournal or blogspot or some other online journal/blog type thing on which to post your results. If you don't, I can help you get something up and online if you would like to participate (and I hope you will).

The rules are purposely vague. The only hard rule is that you must find/create/compose each item yourself. No help from anyone else. This must be your own work.

The task is to find (take a picture, quote an article, attach an audio or video clip, etc.) or create (write a story, poem, essay, draw a picture, build a sculpture) something that best represents each of the following:


The deadline is March 11th. That's 4 weeks to find or create something to represent each of these items. Let me know if you're planning on participating so I can link to your site or where you'll be posting items, etc. Grand prize is a pair of tin cat/dog lanterns, to be passed around from time to time as new hunts are arranged and new victors are crowned.

Friday, February 10, 2006

think SNOW!

Yay! Snow is on the way! Hooray! It'll be a fine day! Go outside and PLAY!

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Quiz Galaxy: "

chris --


Visually addictive

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Not so sure about that, but ok.

Hello world

Not dead, just keeping my head above water. Much going on as of late - all things we do to stay engaged with life, but ultimately it's all paperwork. I think the real stuff in life can't be filled out in a form and notorized, or submited electronically (heh - apparently a blog is not real stuff), or submitted on an invoice. Life begins and ends with the self, and those around us. Hose that up and you're really screwed. Make it work, and ultimately nothing else really matters. So, I'm working on not hosing it up.

And aren't I all sorts of self absorbed?

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Piano Balls

I seem to have slipped into regurgitation hell, what with doing the blog equivalent of forwarding jokes to my entire address list, but bear with me. I'll try to keep these to fun things, and you can ignore them if you'd like.

Piano Balls

Friday, February 03, 2006


Boy am I glad _this_ week is over. Anyone out there familiar with AFGO (Another Farking Growth Opportunity)? Well, this week was full of 'em. Great stuff and all, really, but geez.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A little pick me up

I think we all need a collective smile :)

FUH2 Fuck You And Your H2

To whom it may concern...

And to those for whom this does not concern, go out and play for a while.

Ok, now, for everyone else - I love all of you and hope you can find a way to work through this. My life is infinitely richer by having all of you in it.

That is all.