Saturday, February 11, 2006

An open challenge to you, my reader!

So, I know you occasionally (or religiously) pass through here, looking for, who knows what.

What if you were out there looking for, you know what?

I'm issuing an open challenge to anyone and everyone. Who knows, this could be fun! Think of this as a scavenger hunt. This will probably be easiest if you already have a livejournal or blogspot or some other online journal/blog type thing on which to post your results. If you don't, I can help you get something up and online if you would like to participate (and I hope you will).

The rules are purposely vague. The only hard rule is that you must find/create/compose each item yourself. No help from anyone else. This must be your own work.

The task is to find (take a picture, quote an article, attach an audio or video clip, etc.) or create (write a story, poem, essay, draw a picture, build a sculpture) something that best represents each of the following:


The deadline is March 11th. That's 4 weeks to find or create something to represent each of these items. Let me know if you're planning on participating so I can link to your site or where you'll be posting items, etc. Grand prize is a pair of tin cat/dog lanterns, to be passed around from time to time as new hunts are arranged and new victors are crowned.


krys said...

Ok, I'll start things off by saying - I'm in! I really hope everyone else I know wants to play as well - I think you're all pretty creative people, and would love to see your representations of these things. Also, if you know someone who may have not been here before, but who would want to / should play as well, send them over! I have nothing to hide :)

miniAnn said...

Count me in!

Nic said...

Alrighty then! But only because you saved my LIFE by hosting those glorious 12GB!

raine studios said...

I have been thinking about your challenge and playing the, "but i'm too buuuuuussssyyyyyy" whiny card, but screw that! it's a great idea! I'm in!

Brooke said...

Okay, I'm in too. Now I've got to get busy.

Anonymous said...

Im going to give this a try. Im not so good at posting pictures and stuff, actually I dont know how, but I will give it a shot. Most of the stuff will just have to be word play.

krys said...

You could post your pics into a gallery on weirdness, and the put in the word play on your journal - I can pull it all together here (w/ links and such)

Anonymous said...

We don't know eachother, but I'll be in as well. It sounds interesting.

krys said...

Excellent! Welcome Anna!

Anonymous said...

I saw this on Tamara's lj, and thought it sounded neat. I'm in if it's not too late. Those are some pretty good prompts to get the creative juices flowing.

krys said...

Welcome Caitlin! It's never too late to join - I like your first entry!

Misty said...

what if we join up late, do we get an extention? :)