Tuesday, March 21, 2006


So, out of boredom I've been Googling people I know, and my first wife got a hit on IMDb - if you know her, look her up. Last night she didn't have a picture up, so it was cool in an abstract sort of way, but now she has a head shot up and it's kinda fucking with my head...


raine studios said...


I wasn't married to her and it's totally fucking with my head too.

holy weirdness.

(just fyi. the word they want me to type in for the 'word verification' is 'fhvlhbhbhbhbth.' i shit you not (ok, i shit you a little, it's still wonky)

Brooke said...

Krys, I thought of you last night and I want to let you know that by documenting your personal thoughts on your divorce, you are helping and inspiring people out there. Maybe this is TMI for people that have never met, but the hubby and I got into a heated one last night. I'm sure it's the stress of our recent move, on top of his way too long commute, new job, ect. but we said something we NEVER say. And that's, maybe....maybe things would be better.... After he went to bed, and I hit the computer to do some school work, I thought of you, and your struggles and I thought--maybe not. This morning things were better, and we both appologized, but I wanted you to know that you helped me. And sometimes it's enough to know that you've helped someone. So, thank you for sharing your journey with us.

Anonymous said...

So yeah, that totally looks like a glamour shot or something. It's a bit too studio to be realistic. I think this one is much more accurate.

Sorry it's rough for you.

krys said...

well, to be fair, that's kinda the other end of the realism spectrum :)

krys said...

Hey JKRunning - Marriage is tough sometimes, I'll give you that. It's heartening to hear that someone is actually getting something out of my experiences other than voyeuristic pleasure :)

krys said...

dudes - y'all rock. That is all. :)