Saturday, September 17, 2005

9/16 Dream - A Drama in Five Parts

Part I - The Race

I'm running through a college campus, with a definate end point in mind, but not sure of what that is or where I'm going. I find myself running through the crowds, from one locked door or gate to another. When I come to the first locked gate, I realize I have a key in my hand, so I try it in the gate, and the gate opens. I run through many gates this way, once or twice finding the key does not work, so I back track and run to the next gate.

Finally I get to a building, and run down an external set of stairs to a door just below ground level. This building is a dorm, and the key fits the door. I go inside, and two guys come in behind me. I'm in a short hallway, the walls are kind of grungy with a faded blue paint, and the doors are dorm room doors with numbers on them. There are at least 10 doors, 5 on each side, and I have no idea which one to try. I also don't want to give myself away to the two guys who followed me in, because I know I don't belong in this dorm, but I don't want them to know that. I walk down the hall, and come to the last door which is the bathroom. Making like I belong there, I duck into the bathroom, hoping that the two guys will go into their rooms, and them I can come out and figure out which door to go into. I enter the bathroom, but to my chargrin, one of the guys comes in behind me. Making like I just finished what I was doing, I go back out, and find the hallway empty. I take a look at the key I have, and realize that it has a room number on it. "Pretty stupid - any fool who finds this key can break into the owner's room" I think, but luckily I'm the fool who found the key. I quickly find the correct door, and just as I'm turning the door knob the other guy comes out of the bathroom and asks me what I'm doing. He says I don't belong here. I mutter something about being the owner's brother, and slip into the room, closing the door behind me.

Part II - The Struggle

I know where I am! This is A's dorm room! The room snaps back and forth between two different scenes. The first is that the room is empty, and I start poking around, looking under the bed and in her desk and shelves to see who she is and what she's become. The second scene, however, is that I'm with a partner/team member from some special forces group, and there's a bunch of bad guys in the room. There are two drums of something bad, and I'm trying to figure out what's in the drums so we can stop them. I have my camera, and am taking as many pictures as I can, of the bad people, and of the drum. Trying to document it all. As I'm doing this, the bad people are dragging the drums out of the room. It's all chaos; the room is too small for this many people; we can't move around, the bed is in the way, I'm on the wrong side of the room, and eventually they get out the door and away, but not before I'm able to get a pretty clear picture of the drum label. It's some sort of chemical - I know I'll have to take the picture to one an analyst, becuase it dosen't make any sense to me.

Just then I look up, and out the window (we're at ground level), and see A. pull up in an old station wagon. Then she comes into the room.

Part III - The Battle Begins

Now we're out in the lobby, in a scene that jumps back and forth from the lobby to just outside the building, but in a World War I kind of hell, with bombs going off, the enemy just over the hill, smoke, no grass, only mud. I'm working on fending off the attacks as they come. The preferrred method of attack seems to be throwing hand grenades at us. Fortunately, I'm able to grab them and throw them back before they go off. Eventually one makes it way to us, I throw it back, but then they throw it back to me. It becomes a "game" of hot potato, with me throwing it over the hill, it coming back, me throwing it to the guys to my left, them panicing and throwing it back. Then I realize that it's just a drink coaster, and a pretty nice one at that, so I hold it up to the guys to my left, laughing, as if to say, look at what I get!, and keep it. The guys to the left seem upset that they didn't realize it was a coaster, and that they could have kept it.

Part IV - The Romantic Interlude

Finally the battle is over, and we all go back to A's room. Initially it's just A and myself. She's lying on the bed, and I'm sitting with her. It's a really nice reunion - she has her knees up, and they're leaning on me. My arm is resting on her knees. We're all smiles and warm talk. We talk about everything that has happened, and nothing at all. We lean in, and just as we're kissing, the rest of the group comes into the room. There are looks around the room that say, well about damn time!

Part V - The End

But we decide we need to go back out and scavange for supplies. I take my partner from earlier, and we head out. The outside is a waste land. Much destruction, mud, smoke. We find that the bad guys have left some barrels of gasoline where they had been stationed. In come cases they had rigged the barrels to explode, and they already had. But in other cases, we can siphon off some of the gas to take back with us. We wander down the hill, and come to a building with a porch on the front. On the porch is one of the remaining bad guys, and he's threatening us. So I shoot him. But then we realize that there is a young mother with three small children who just saw me shoot this guy. So I have to execute them as well. I shoot the mother first, and then the three children, each one once in the head.


krys said...

Just a side note, as I've just posted this. I've got this anger thing and it freaks me out a little. It shows itself in part V with the cold blooded murders. Not really proud of how this dream ended - it would have been nice to end after part IV.

Anonymous said...


I'm impressed with your ability to remember and write down your dreams. Can you inflence the dreams while they are happening?

You've written alot about what's holding you back - what are your goals - what brings you joy - where are you going?

We can't do much about the past or present - but we can affect the future.

Good luck - don't beat yourself up - you sound like a smart, nice, thoughtful guy. You've already got a head start on most - cause you're doing the reflection thing - give yourself some credit too!

krys said...

I'm not able to influence my dreams, any more than one is able to influence their waking day :)

working on the goals bit. The Sunday paper, a quiet morning, and my dog sleeping at my feet brings me joy, as does having friends over to cook out on the grill, with puppies chasing eachother around, kids running in and out of the house, and much laughter.

Where am I going? I'm heading towards a new phase of life, where I'm self aware more often than not, where I have emotion, good and bad, and can find it and express it. I'm heading towards a life of self sustainability - not because I want to, but because I have to. So I guess these are my goals as well.

Thanks for the kind words! I was beginning to wonder if anyone actually reads this stuff. Talking to folks about this brings me joy.