Friday, September 16, 2005

Happy Birthday K.

Today is K's birthday. While wandering around our local farmer's market a few weeks ago, I found a guy selling vintage New Yorker covers, going back many years. Knowing that K. loves the New Yorker, I took a look to see if he had the cover for the year K was born. Well, not only did he have that year, he had the entire issue for the day she was born! What a find. I just wish I had these kind of good ideas back when K and I were together. So I stopped by her place tonight to drop it off, and she apparently really liked it.

But damn she's looking good, and to hear that one of her old male friends was coming by tonight for dinner and to help her setup her bed, it just punched a hole straight through me. It dosen't help that this is a guy who has shared many of the same experiences she has, and that I could never really understand. My mind just goes off into fifty different scenarios, none of which I like. I know this is all my thing, but still. Fuck me.

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