Sunday, August 14, 2005

5 things I miss about K.

In no particular order:

  1. Spending Sundays going around to open houses. I think everyone in Arlington probably get's the Sun newspaper, which is essentially a glorified real estate listing. K.would pick out a bunch of houses that were in our area and that we might be able to afford (we already own a home). She'd pre-program her GPS with the addresses, and off we'd go.
  2. Getting Subway and watching the Daily Show. At the end we were both working late-ist hours, so one or the other would pickup Subway on the way home. 6" veggie on herbs and cheese, lettuce, onion, pickles, olives, sweet peppers (although our favorite Subway stopped stocking them), mayo and dijon mustard - one stripe of each. Oregano as well. Oh, and chocolate chip cookies, but only if they are soft. And always pick up a can of low fat pringles on the way home. Just watching the beginning of the Daily Show gives me a Pavlovian response.
  3. Taking road trips. We took a trip to Philly to stay in Center City and tour the QVC studios a few years ago. K. is a big QVC nut, and I'm into seeing all the behind the scenes production stuff. It was really cool, and turned out to be an adventure.
  4. K. knitting while we watch a show. The best fun was K. getting all worked up because the beginning of any knitting it really a pain in the ass, or so I gathered from watching her. I never did get the scarf she said she was going to make for me.
  5. K. "arguing" with my dad and calling him "kermy". My dad can be a bit of a crumudgeon sometimes, but K. would call him on it, and really could bring out the life in our family. As a side note, my family is pretty WASPy - any show of emotion is a dangerous thing and to be avoided at all costs. K. wouldn't put up with that nonsense. Calling dad "Kermy" turned out to be a term of endearment. I'll miss the dynamic that K. brought to my family.

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